
Tengo un amigo, Gerardo, que escribe como un campeón. Mirad que felicitación navideña más bonita ha enviado...

"Bienvenidos seáis al año que empieza
Que este tiempo que empieza os devuelva lo que el que termina os quitó.
Que el futuro se lleve lo que el pasado no os debió dar y el mañana os conceda lo que hasta hoy os ha sido negado.
Que la alegría que está por venir os haga olvidar, por bella e intensa, la más grande que habéis tenido hasta ahora.
Que con el nuevo día accedais a todo lo que no teneís y perdais todo lo que no quereis tener.
Que al cambiar de año vuestros deseos se transformen en vivencias y vuestros anhelos en recuerdos.
Que la felicidad que os falta se acomode en vuestro lecho y el sufrimiento que os sobra se levante de él.
Que este día que acaba haya visto vuestra última lágrima y vuestra primera sonrisa.
Que el tiempo que está por comenzar os arrastre a vivir la vida que queréis.
Quieran vuestros dioses, sean cuales fueran, que así sea.
Quiera vuestro destino, escrito o incluso, que esto se produzca.
Que hoy haya sido el peor día del resto de vuestras de vuestras vidas."


"He sospechado alguna vez que la única cosa sin misterio es la felicidad, porque se justifica por sí sola."
J. L. Borges


Lo prometido es deuda, los que sepaís inglés espero que me perdonéis las licencias de la traducción...
Feliz año


Wile E. Coyote, Demandante
Acme Company, Acusado

Caso abierto por el Sr. Harold Schoff, abogado del Sr. Coyote: Mi cliente, el Sr. Wile E. Coyote, residente en Arizona y estados aledaños, presenta cargos por daños contra la compañía Acme, fabricante de y distribuidor al por menor de mercancía variada, con sede en Delaware y con capacidad comercial en todos los estados, distritos y territorio de los Estados Unidos de América. El Sr. Coyote busca compensación por daños personales, pérdida de capacidades de negocio, y sufrimiento mental causados como resultado directo de las acciones y/o comportamiento negligente de dicha compañía, bajo el título 15 del código penal de los Estados Unidos, capítulo 47, sección 2072 subsección (a) referente a la venta de productos.

El Sr. Coyote afirma que en ochenta y cinco ocasiones diferentes adquirió por correo productos marca Acme (de aquí en adelante “acusado”) y que ciertos productos le causaron daños corporales debido a defectos en su fabricación o inadecuado etiquetaje. Los albaranes de envío de dichos productos presentados por el Sr. Coyote constan en este tribunal marcados como prueba A. Tales daños al Sr. Coyote redujeron temporalmente su capacidad de mantener su status de vida como depredador. El Sr. Coyote trabaja por cuenta propia y por lo tanto no puede acogerse a la compensación por desempleo.

El Sr. Coyote afirma que el 13 de diciembre recibió del acusado a través de paquete postal un Chaleco Propulsado por Cohetes Marca Acme. La intención del Sr. Coyote era la de usar el chaleco para capturar a su presa. Una vez recibido el chaleco el Sr. Coyote lo sacó de su caja de madera, mientras veía en lontananza a su presa, y lo encendió. Cuando el Sr. Coyote activó el botón de encendido, el Chaleco aceleró a tal velocidad y tan repentinamente que arrancó literalmente al Sr. Coyote de sus pies alejándole treinta metros para luego golpearles de nuevo con el impulso producido causándole fuertes dolores en la espalda y en el cuello. El chaleco consiguió de todos modos alcanzar a la presa que se colocó a la derecha del Sr. Coyote. En ese momento, cuando la presa giró a la derecha, el Sr. Coyote intentó seguirla pero debido a la poca maniobrabilidad del chaleco, el Sr. Coyote se golpeó de frente contra el lateral de una montaña.

El parágrafo 1 del informe del médico que atendió al Sr. Coyote (prueba B), el Dr. Ernest Grosscup, detalla las múltiples fracturas, contusiones y quemaduras sufridas por el Sr. Coyote a consecuencia de la colisión. La cura de estos daños físicos supuso un vendaje completo alrededor de la cabeza (excepción hecha de las orejas), un collarín, y varias escayolas en las cuatro patas.

Impedido por estas lesiones, el Sr. Coyote, para facilitar su movilidad adquirió un par de Patines Cohete marca Acme. Cuando intentó emplear este nuevo producto de nuevo se vio envuelto en un accidente curiosamente similar al ocurrido con el chaleco cohete. De nuevo, el acusado vendió un producto sin advertencia, al que incorporó un poderoso motor cohete (en este caso 2 motores), y sin ninguna previsión para asegurar la seguridad del pasajero. El Sr. Coyote perdió el control de los patines nada más colocarlos en sus pies golpeándose de tal forma contra una señal de tráfico que está quedó marcada con su silueta.

El Sr. Coyote afirma que en ocasiones demasiado numerosas como para describirlas en este documento sufrió daños con explosivos adquiridos al acusado: el pequeños gigante comefuegos marca Acme, la bomba aérea auto-guiada marca Acme, y muchos más. (Para una descripción completa véase el catálogo de explosivos por correo marca Acme y su detallada explicación todo ello en poder del tribunal marcado como prueba C).
Podemos decir que ninguno de los explosivos adquiridos por el Sr. Coyote se comportó de la forma adecuada. Para citar un ejemplo: con mucho esfuerzo personal, el Sr. Coyote construyó un túnel con troncos de árbol huecos que se dirigían hacia una X pintada sobre el suelo del desierto en el fondo de un desfiladero. El artilugio fue diseñado para que una bomba esférica del tipo que vende el acusado rodase suavemente hacia el punto de detonación marcado con la susodicha X. El Sr. Coyote colocó una abundante provisión de alimento para pájaros sobre la X, y después, con la bomba esférica Acme a cuestas (Producto del catálogo número #78-832) subió a la parte de arriba del desfiladero. Cuando el Sr. Coyote observó a su presa acercándose procedió a encender la mecha de la bomba. En ese momento la mecha se agotó instantáneamente, causando la detonación del bomba.
Además de la pérdida de tiempo y desgaste de materiales del túnel preparado por el Sr. Coyote, sus daños físicos fueron considerables.
1 Severa decoloración e incineración del pelo en la cabeza, cuello y hombros.
2 Decoloración en toda la piel.
3 Fractura de la oreja izquierda y caída de la oreja derecha.
4 Problemas en la vista a causa de la incineración de cejas y pestañas.

En este punto llegamos a los zapatos autopropulsados marca Acme. Los restos de un par de éstos, adquiridos por el Sr. Coyote el 23 de junio se muestran como prueba D de la acusación. Algunos fragmentos seleccionados han sido enviados para su análisis al laboratorio metalúrgico de la Universidad de California sito en Santa Barbara, pero hasta la fecha no ha podido encontrarse ninguna explicación para el mal funcionamiento repentino y extremo de este producto.

El anuncio de este producto por el acusado no puede ser más simple: dos sandalias de madera y metal, a las que se ha añadido un muelle. El Sr. Coyote pensó que este producto le permitiría saltar sobre su presa en los momentos iniciales de la caza, cuando los reflejos son imprescindibles para conseguir el éxito.

Para incrementar la fuerza impulsora de los zapatos, el Sr. Coyote los enganchó al lateral de una piedra de gran tamaño. Junto a esa piedra estaba el sendero que frecuentaba la presa del Sr. Coyote. El Sr. Coyote se agazapó preparado para la llegada de su presa y espero a que ésta llegara, lo que hizo en un corto espacio de tiempo. Sin sospechar nada, la presa se detuvo muy cerca del Sr. Coyote, dentro del rango de acción de los zapatos. El Sr. Coyote calculó la distancia y soltó la sujeción del muelle.

En ese momento, el producto debió haber propulsado al Sr. Coyote lejos de la piedra. Pero en lugar de eso y por razones desconocidas los zapatos auto-propulsados marca Acme arrojaron la piedra lejos del Sr. Coyote, para luego, mientras la presa observaba la escena, propulsar la piedra de vuelta sobre el Sr. Coyote, causándole tan tremendo golpe que le colocó la cabeza a la altura de los pies.

La fuerza de ese impacto disparó los muelles que propulsaron al Sr. Coyote hacia el cielo. Una segunda caída y colisión fueron las consecuencias inevitables. La piedra, mientras tanto, comenzó a rodar por un acantilado, acelerándose cada vez más y cayendo de nuevo sobre el Sr. Coyote. Este proceso: rebote y caída de la piedra sucedió durante un espacio de tiempo.

La secuencia de colisiones causó un daño endémico al Sr. Coyote: aplastamiento del cráneo, desplazamiento de la lengua, reducción de altura de las piernas y el tronco, y compresión de las vértebras desde el cuello hasta la cola. Todos estos daños causaron un deterioro en la piel del Sr. Coyote que le han impedido desde entonces cualquier tipo de vida social.

Como este tribunal sabe, el acusado tiene el monopolio sobre la venta y fabricación de los materiales necesarios para el desarrollo del trabajo del Sr. Coyote. Estamos convencidos que el acusado ha usado esta ventaja comercial para producir elementos defectuosos como pólvora, gomas de tamaño gigante y otros. El Sr. Coyote es incapaz de cambiar de suministrador. Uno puede preguntarse que podrían pensar de semejante abuso nuestros socios comerciales en Europa y Japón, en el que una compañía hace gala de su posición preeminente en el mercado para dañar al consumidor de semejante forma una y otra vez.

El Sr. Coyote solicita respetuosamente de este tribunal como compensación económica la cantidad de diecisiete millones de dólares. Además busca compensación por gastos médicos, falta de alimento y días perdidos de trabajo: por valor de un millón de dólares: por daños mentales y de pérdida de reputación profesional veinte millones de dólares y por gastos de representación setecientos cincuenta mil dólares. Todo hace un total de treinta y ocho millones setecientos cincuenta mil dólares. Concediendo esta cantidad al Sr. Coyote, este tribunal mostrará su censura hacía el acusado, sus sucursales, distribuidores y sucesores, mostrando en el único lenguaje que entienden la afirmación de que los predadores tienen los mismos derechos ante la ley.


Llevaba tiempo buscando esta joyita, hoy la he encontrado. La postearé en castellano en unos días.


Wile E. Coyote, Plaintiff
Acme Company, Defendant

Opening Statement of Mr. Harold Schoff, attorney for Mr. Coyote: My client, Mr. Wile E. Coyote, a resident of Arizona and contiguous states, does hereby bring suit for damages against the Acme Company, manufacturer and retail distributor of assorted merchandise, incorporated in Delaware and doing business in every state, district, and territory. Mr. Coyote seeks compensation for personal injuries, loss of business income, and mental suffering causes as a direct result of the actions and/or gross negligence of said company, under Title 15 of the United States Code, Chapter 47, section 2072, subsection (a), relating to product liability.

Mr. Coyote states that on eighty-five separate occasions he has purchased of the Acme Company (hereinafter, "Defendant"), through that company's mail-order department, certain products which did cause him bodily injury due to defects in manufacture or improper cautionary labelling. Sales slips made out to Mr. Coyote as proof of purchase are at present in the possession of the Court, marked Exhibit A. Such injuries sustained by Mr. Coyote have temporarily restricted his ability to make a living in his profession of predator. Mr. Coyote is self-employed and thus not eligible for Workmen's Compensation.

Mr. Coyote states that on December 13th he received of Defendant via parcel post one Acme Rocket Sled. The intention of Mr. Coyote was to use the Rocket Sled to aid him in pursuit of his prey. Upon receipt of the Rocket Sled Mr. Coyote removed it from its wooden shipping crate and, sighting his prey in the distance, activated the ignition. As Mr. Coyote gripped the handlebars, the Rocket Sled accelerated with such sudden and precipitate force as to stretch Mr. Coyote's forelimbs to a length of fifty feet. Subsequently, the rest of Mr. Coyote's body shot forward with a violent jolt, causing severe strain to his back and neck and placing him unexpectedly astride the Rocket Sled. Disappearing over the horizon at such speed as to leave a diminishing jet trail along its path, the Rocket Sled soon brought Mr. Coyote abreast of his prey. At that moment the animal he was pursuing veered sharply to the right. Mr. Coyote vigorously attempted to follow this maneuver but was unable to, due to poorly designed steering on the Rocket Sled and a faulty or nonexistent braking system. Shortly thereafter, the unchecked progress of the Rocket Sled brought it and Mr. Coyote into collision with the side of a mesa.

Paragraph One of the Report of Attending Physician (Exhibit B), prepared by Dr. Ernest Grosscup, M.D., D.O., details the multiple fractures, contusions, and tissue damage suffered by Mr. Coyote as a result of this collision. Repair of the injuries required a full bandage around the head (excluding the ears), a neck brace, and full or partial casts of all four legs.

Hampered by these injuries, Mr. Coyote was nevertheless obliged to support himself. With this in mind, he purchased of Defendant as an aid to mobility one pair of Acme Rocket Skates. When he attempted to use this product, however, he became involved in an accident remarkably similar to that which occurred with the Rocket Sled. Again, Defendant sold over the counter, without caveat, a product which attached powerful jet engines (in this case, two) to inadequate vehicles, with little or no provision for passenger safety. Encumbered by his heavy casts, Mr. Coyote lost control of the Rocket Skates soon after strapping them on, and collided with a roadside billboard so violently as to leave a hole in the shape of his full silhouette.

Mr. Coyote states that on occasions too numerous to list in this document he has suffered mishaps with explosives purchased of Defendant: the Acme "Little Giant" Firecracker, the Acme Self-Guided Aerial Bomb, etc. (For a full listing, see the Acme Mail Order Explosives Catalogue and attached deposition, entered in evidence as Exhibit C.) Indeed, it is safe to say that not once has an explosive purchased of Defendant by Mr. Coyote performed in an expected manner. To cite just one example: At the expense of much time and personal effort, Mr. Coyote constructed around the outer rim of a butte a wooden trough beginning at the top of the butte and spiralling downward around it to some few feet above a black X painted on the desert floor. The trough was designed in such a way that a spherical explosive of the type sold by Defendant would roll easily and swiftly down to the point of detonation indicated by the X. Mr. Coyote placed a generous pile of birdseed directly on the X, and then, carrying the spherical Acme Bomb (Catalog #78-832), climbed to the top of the butte. Mr. Coyote's prey, seeing the birdseed, approached, and Mr. Coyote proceeded to light the fuse. In an instant, the fuse burned down to the stem, causing the bomb to detonate.

In addition to reducing all Mr. Coyote's careful preparations to naught, the premature detonation of Defendant's product resulted in the following disfigurements to Mr. Coyote:

Severe singeing of the hair on the head, neck, and muzzle.
Sooty discoloration.
Fracture of the left ear at the stem, causing the ear to dangle in the aftershock with a creaking noise.
Full or partial combustion of whiskers, producing kinking, frazzling, and ashy disintegration.
Radical widening of the eyes, due to brow and lid charring.
We now come to the Acme Spring-Powered Shoes. The remains of a pair of these purchased by Mr. Coyote on June 23rd are Plaintiff's Exhibit D. Selected fragments have been shipped to the metallurgical laboratories of the University of California at Santa Barbara for analysis, but to date no explanation has been found for this product's sudden and extreme malfunciton. As advertised by Defendant, this product is simplicity itself: two wood-and-metal sandals, each attached to milled-steel springs of high tensile strength and compressed in a tightly coiled position by a cocking device with a lanyard release. Mr. Coyote believed that this product would enable him to pounce upon his prey in the initial moments of his chase, when swift reflexes are at a premium.

To increase the shoes' thrusting power still further, Mr. Coyote affixed them by their bottoms to the side of a large boulder. Adjacent to the boulder was a path which Mr. Coyote's prey was known to frequent. Mr. Coyote put his hind feet in the wood-and-metal sandals and crouched in readiness, his right forepaw holding firmly to the lanyard release. Within a short time Mr. Coyote's prey did indeed appear on the path coming toward him. Unsuspecting, the prey stopped near Mr. Coyote, well within range of the springs at full extension. Mr. Coyote gauged the distance with care and proceeded to pull the lanyard release.

At this point, Defendant's product should have thrust Mr. Coyote forward and away from the boulder. Instead, for reasons yet unknown, the Acme Spring-Powered Shoes thrust the boulder away from Mr. Coyote. As the intended prey looked on unharmed, Mr. Coyote hung suspended in air. Then the twin springs recoiled, bringing Mr. Coyote to a violent feet-first collision with the boulder, the full weight of his head and forequarters falling upon his lower extremities.

The force of this impact then caused the springs to rebound, whereupon Mr. Coyote was thrust skyward. A second recoil and collision followed. The boulder, meanwhile, which was roughtly ovoid in shape, had begun to bounce down a hillside, the coiling and recoiling of the springs adding to its velocity. At each bounce, Mr. Coyote came into contact with the boulder, or the boulder came into contact with Mr. Coyote, or both came into contact with the ground. As the grade was a long one, this process continued for some time.

The sequence of collisions resulted in systemic physical damage to Mr. Coyote, viz., flattening of the cranium, sideways displacement of the tongue, reduction of length of legs and upper body, and compression of vertebrae from base of tail to head. Repetition of blows along a vertical axis produced a series of regular horizontal folds in Mr. Coyote's body tissues---a rare and painful condition which caused Mr. Coyote to expand upward and contract downward alternately as he walked, and to emit an off-key, accordionlike wheezing with every step. The distracting and embarassing nature of this symptom has been a major impediment to Mr. Coyote's pursuit of a normal social life.

As the Court is no doubt aware, Defendant has a virtual monopoly of manufacture and sale of goods required by Mr. Coyote's work. It is our contention that Defendant has used its market advantage to the detriment of the consumer of such specialized products as itching powder, giant kites, Burmese tiger traps, anvils, and two-hundred-foot-long rubber bands. Much as he has come to mistrust Defendant's products, Mr. Coyote has no other domestic source of supply to which to turn. One can only wonder what our trading partners in Western Europe and Japan would make of such a situation, where a giant company is allowed to victimize the consumer in the most reckless and wrongful manner over and over again.

Mr. Coyote respectfully requests that the Court regard these larger economic implications and assess punitive damages in the amount of seventeen million dollars. In addition, Mr. Coyote seeks actual damages (missed meals, medical expenses, days lost from professional occupation) of one million dollars; general damages (mental suffering, injury to reputation) of twenty million dollars; and attorney's fees of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Total damages: thirty-eight million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. By awarding Mr. Coyote the full amount, this Court will censure Defendant, its directory, officers, shareholders, successors, and assigns, in the only language they understand, and reaffirm the right of the individual predator to equal protection under the law.

Wile E. Coyote, Plaintiff
Acme Company, Defendant
Opening Statement of Mr. Harold Schoff, attorney for Mr. Coyote: My client, Mr. Wile E. Coyote, a resident of Arizona and contiguous states, does hereby bring suit for damages against the Acme Company, manufacturer and retail distributor of assorted merchandise, incorporated in Delaware and doing business in every state, district, and territory. Mr. Coyote seeks compensation for personal injuries, loss of business income, and mental suffering causes as a direct result of the actions and/or gross negligence of said company, under Title 15 of the United States Code, Chapter 47, section 2072, subsection (a), relating to product liability.
Mr. Coyote states that on eighty-five separate occasions he has purchased of the Acme Company (hereinafter, "Defendant"), through that company's mail-order department, certain products which did cause him bodily injury due to defects in manufacture or improper cautionary labelling. Sales slips made out to Mr. Coyote as proof of purchase are at present in the possession of the Court, marked Exhibit A. Such injuries sustained by Mr. Coyote have temporarily restricted his ability to make a living in his profession of predator. Mr. Coyote is self-employed and thus not eligible for Workmen's Compensation.
Mr. Coyote states that on December 13th he received of Defendant via parcel post one Acme Rocket Sled. The intention of Mr. Coyote was to use the Rocket Sled to aid him in pursuit of his prey. Upon receipt of the Rocket Sled Mr. Coyote removed it from its wooden shipping crate and, sighting his prey in the distance, activated the ignition. As Mr. Coyote gripped the handlebars, the Rocket Sled accelerated with such sudden and precipitate force as to stretch Mr. Coyote's forelimbs to a length of fifty feet. Subsequently, the rest of Mr. Coyote's body shot forward with a violent jolt, causing severe strain to his back and neck and placing him unexpectedly astride the Rocket Sled. Disappearing over the horizon at such speed as to leave a diminishing jet trail along its path, the Rocket Sled soon brought Mr. Coyote abreast of his prey. At that moment the animal he was pursuing veered sharply to the right. Mr. Coyote vigorously attempted to follow this maneuver but was unable to, due to poorly designed steering on the Rocket Sled and a faulty or nonexistent braking system. Shortly thereafter, the unchecked progress of the Rocket Sled brought it and Mr. Coyote into collision with the side of a mesa.
Paragraph One of the Report of Attending Physician (Exhibit B), prepared by Dr. Ernest Grosscup, M.D., D.O., details the multiple fractures, contusions, and tissue damage suffered by Mr. Coyote as a result of this collision. Repair of the injuries required a full bandage around the head (excluding the ears), a neck brace, and full or partial casts of all four legs.
Hampered by these injuries, Mr. Coyote was nevertheless obliged to support himself. With this in mind, he purchased of Defendant as an aid to mobility one pair of Acme Rocket Skates. When he attempted to use this product, however, he became involved in an accident remarkably similar to that which occurred with the Rocket Sled. Again, Defendant sold over the counter, without caveat, a product which attached powerful jet engines (in this case, two) to inadequate vehicles, with little or no provision for passenger safety. Encumbered by his heavy casts, Mr. Coyote lost control of the Rocket Skates soon after strapping them on, and collided with a roadside billboard so violently as to leave a hole in the shape of his full silhouette.
Mr. Coyote states that on occasions too numerous to list in this document he has suffered mishaps with explosives purchased of Defendant: the Acme "Little Giant" Firecracker, the Acme Self-Guided Aerial Bomb, etc. (For a full listing, see the Acme Mail Order Explosives Catalogue and attached deposition, entered in evidence as Exhibit C.) Indeed, it is safe to say that not once has an explosive purchased of Defendant by Mr. Coyote performed in an expected manner. To cite just one example: At the expense of much time and personal effort, Mr. Coyote constructed around the outer rim of a butte a wooden trough beginning at the top of the butte and spiralling downward around it to some few feet above a black X painted on the desert floor. The trough was designed in such a way that a spherical explosive of the type sold by Defendant would roll easily and swiftly down to the point of detonation indicated by the X. Mr. Coyote placed a generous pile of birdseed directly on the X, and then, carrying the spherical Acme Bomb (Catalog #78-832), climbed to the top of the butte. Mr. Coyote's prey, seeing the birdseed, approached, and Mr. Coyote proceeded to light the fuse. In an instant, the fuse burned down to the stem, causing the bomb to detonate.
In addition to reducing all Mr. Coyote's careful preparations to naught, the premature detonation of Defendant's product resulted in the following disfigurements to Mr. Coyote:
1. Severe singeing of the hair on the head, neck, and muzzle.
2. Sooty discoloration.
3. Fracture of the left ear at the stem, causing the ear to dangle in the aftershock with a creaking noise.
4. Full or partial combustion of whiskers, producing kinking, frazzling, and ashy disintegration.
5. Radical widening of the eyes, due to brow and lid charring.
We now come to the Acme Spring-Powered Shoes. The remains of a pair of these purchased by Mr. Coyote on June 23rd are Plaintiff's Exhibit D. Selected fragments have been shipped to the metallurgical laboratories of the University of California at Santa Barbara for analysis, but to date no explanation has been found for this product's sudden and extreme malfunciton. As advertised by Defendant, this product is simplicity itself: two wood-and-metal sandals, each attached to milled-steel springs of high tensile strength and compressed in a tightly coiled position by a cocking device with a lanyard release. Mr. Coyote believed that this product would enable him to pounce upon his prey in the initial moments of his chase, when swift reflexes are at a premium.
To increase the shoes' thrusting power still further, Mr. Coyote affixed them by their bottoms to the side of a large boulder. Adjacent to the boulder was a path which Mr. Coyote's prey was known to frequent. Mr. Coyote put his hind feet in the wood-and-metal sandals and crouched in readiness, his right forepaw holding firmly to the lanyard release. Within a short time Mr. Coyote's prey did indeed appear on the path coming toward him. Unsuspecting, the prey stopped near Mr. Coyote, well within range of the springs at full extension. Mr. Coyote gauged the distance with care and proceeded to pull the lanyard release.
At this point, Defendant's product should have thrust Mr. Coyote forward and away from the boulder. Instead, for reasons yet unknown, the Acme Spring-Powered Shoes thrust the boulder away from Mr. Coyote. As the intended prey looked on unharmed, Mr. Coyote hung suspended in air. Then the twin springs recoiled, bringing Mr. Coyote to a violent feet-first collision with the boulder, the full weight of his head and forequarters falling upon his lower extremities.
The force of this impact then caused the springs to rebound, whereupon Mr. Coyote was thrust skyward. A second recoil and collision followed. The boulder, meanwhile, which was roughtly ovoid in shape, had begun to bounce down a hillside, the coiling and recoiling of the springs adding to its velocity. At each bounce, Mr. Coyote came into contact with the boulder, or the boulder came into contact with Mr. Coyote, or both came into contact with the ground. As the grade was a long one, this process continued for some time.
The sequence of collisions resulted in systemic physical damage to Mr. Coyote, viz., flattening of the cranium, sideways displacement of the tongue, reduction of length of legs and upper body, and compression of vertebrae from base of tail to head. Repetition of blows along a vertical axis produced a series of regular horizontal folds in Mr. Coyote's body tissues---a rare and painful condition which caused Mr. Coyote to expand upward and contract downward alternately as he walked, and to emit an off-key, accordionlike wheezing with every step. The distracting and embarassing nature of this symptom has been a major impediment to Mr. Coyote's pursuit of a normal social life.
As the Court is no doubt aware, Defendant has a virtual monopoly of manufacture and sale of goods required by Mr. Coyote's work. It is our contention that Defendant has used its market advantage to the detriment of the consumer of such specialized products as itching powder, giant kites, Burmese tiger traps, anvils, and two-hundred-foot-long rubber bands. Much as he has come to mistrust Defendant's products, Mr. Coyote has no other domestic source of supply to which to turn. One can only wonder what our trading partners in Western Europe and Japan would make of such a situation, where a giant company is allowed to victimize the consumer in the most reckless and wrongful manner over and over again.
Mr. Coyote respectfully requests that the Court regard these larger economic implications and assess punitive damages in the amount of seventeen million dollars. In addition, Mr. Coyote seeks actual damages (missed meals, medical expenses, days lost from professional occupation) of one million dollars; general damages (mental suffering, injury to reputation) of twenty million dollars; and attorney's fees of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Total damages: thirty-eight million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. By awarding Mr. Coyote the full amount, this Court will censure Defendant, its directory, officers, shareholders, successors, and assigns, in the only language they understand, and reaffirm the right of the individual predator to equal protection under the law.

Buf! Qué sueño tengo...pero antes de irme a la cama os voy a postear la cita. No tengo mucho que contaros así que esperaré a tener algo.
"El primero que comparó a la mujer con una flor, fue un poeta; el segundo, un imbécil."


Hoy ha venido Papá Nöel de nuevo, esta vez en casa de mi familia "política". Me han caído "Las dos torres" en versión especial larguísima y en 4 DVDs. La bomba. Y he leído una frase que os voy a poner como cita aunque no recuerdo de quien era.

"El Papa me parece admirable. Es la única persona que conozco que es capaz de irse de gira sin haber sacado un sólo álbum al mercado."
Un humorista americano